Per Anders
Per Anders lives and works both in Gråsten and Provence. He is actually a trained dentist in Denmark and the United States but spends his time primarily on his paintings.
Opposites of professions meet
As a dentist, he went to science school.
In his training, he found that there are clear rules about what is right and wrong in dentistry. All methods are defined and based on science and evidence. A loose hand and spontaneous whims have no place in this world. However, the art of painting is different.
In painting, there are also elementary technical requirements so that, for example, the paint does not fall off the canvas, but clearly only the artist's own personal expectations of how a picture should look need to be met.
Colouristic and lyrical works
With arranged randomness or perhaps even planned carelessness, Per Anders aims to paint colouristic images with certain recognisable elements. These elements are intended to stimulate the viewer's own thoughts and associations. The titles of the paintings have the same function.
Whether the chosen subject is Flensburg Fjord, Provence, the Nordic landscape or the optimism of summer, Per Anders always guarantees that the picture has lyrical content.
For Per Anders, it is important to put a kind of hope and optimism into his artwork and everything else he does.
Per Anders' philosophy is simple: "Every home should have a big yellow painting as a backup for the sun on a cloudy day."